Sunday, September 2, 2007

Back at the Homestead

Back from my trip from Memphis to Mineapolis to help my brother. Of the whole drive I would have to say that I found my drive thru Iowa very beautiful. Iowa looks just like I would picture America. Rolling hills of corn and farm houses with silos. It was a very beautiful site, I was impressed.

Back at the farm we're back to the usual plus getting ready for the hunting season.
We have definitly received a lot of rain this year so far. The most noticable difference is that the rain was constant. At the farm we usually have a very dry summer were we don't get any rain for about 8 weeks and the temperature is in the 100's and so everything dries up. This year was cooler, the 100's only lasted for about a week and the rains were constant. Must be global cooling, LTS.

I'm also getting ready for my trip to Boston to see O and the family. You'll take care, Till next time, Jorge

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