Sunday, July 22, 2007

Global Warming?

I love talking about this subject, and I had plenty of opportunity in Europe. Even on one of the legs of my trip back to the USA I sat next to an 18 year old from Kolin (Cologne), Germany on her way to El Paso and this was one of the subjects we talked about. She is in a program were she finishes her high school in the USA.

This is still on my mind so I want to write a small bit about my global warming opinions. First some basics. The earth has been going thru ice ages and warming trends many times in its millions of years of existence. All this even before humans. I have no doubt that we are in a warming trend. In fact some scientist believe that the earth's temperature is rising cause we coming out of an ice age. An example is the small ice age we had between the 14th and 19th century that killed many in Europe.

Next, science is not exact. I can probably find one scientist for every one someone else finds that will have an opposite view. Scientist are all over the place on this subject, how many on each side nobody knows. A recent example of science not being exact is the oil crises in the mid 1970s, when scienctist were saying that we would run out of oil in the next 10 years. Oil prices doubled cause of the scare. Thirty plus years later we still have oil and nobody knows when we will run out. Other examples are all around us.

Also we have only been taking the earth's temperature since the 1850s and only measuring the Co2 (carbon dioxide) levels since the 1950s. I very small time frame (less then 160 years) in the earth's millions of years of existence.

More on Co2 next time, Aufwiedersehen, Jorge

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