Thursday, May 17, 2007

The fields are full of glory!

Got to go to the Farm (God's Country), and it was beautiful. Green and growth everywhere. The dewberries are still going strong. Some real big and juicey ones. I eat dewberries everywhere, left and right, north and south. My tomatos are setting wonderfully, lots of them. The green beans are going out of control. The peppers are coming on. The basal is unbelievable. I always have problems with corn, I don't know why. I have a few peaches and plums also.

The fields are full of black-eyed-Susans, what a beautiful sight. While walking I walked up on 3 seperate deer in 3 different locations. The does are dropping the fawns now so the does are out alone. They stay near the fawns but not close and if something comes close they bolt up and pretend to be hurt as they trot away so that you will follow them and not find the fawn.

My hay field will be cut today. Hope to get about 25 big round bails.

Ah La Bonne Vie, Till next time, Jorge

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