Thursday, March 15, 2007

What's On My Mind?

I have been reprimanded for not writing in my blog. I have a lot on my mind but I think it is too much for the blog. So here is something else.

Today I would like to comment on "The Office" TV show. I liked the show, the Dwight/Andy,Jim thing and the Pam/Karen thing. Michael finally came up to the plate. Also I wonder if anyone saw the Gatorade commercial. Good commercial explaining how Gatorade was invented at the University of Florida. My place.

Spring has arrived as most of the plants and trees are budding. All the pruning should of been done by now since the plants are coming out. If you prune now you will kill all that energy.

Next I want to comment on Crapemyrtles. I feel sorry for all those crapemyrtles that people butcher during this time of year. Crapemyrtles do not have to be pruned, but if you must you can alternate cuts every year so that there is only a stub having 3 years of cuts max. Otherwise it looks terrible the way people keep cutting the trunk at the same place. I'll have to show pictures of this later.

Next I want to remind everyone that roses should of been cut on Valentines day, and trees should of been pruned by February. The next pruning time for trees would be right before the hot summer.

Don't want to make this too long since some folks have a challenge reading long passages.

Arrivederci, Jorge


lpk said...

Wow Jorge,

It sounds like you will be a great gardening, arborist resource? I'm a new gardener. about 5-6 years, so still feeling my way through. Last year big new perennial garden planted. Looking forward to how first spring goes with them. Very excited!

I still feel bad about a nice Holland (Scotch) Broom shrub I killed several years ago. A new one was planted last year. I don't think I could ever take the shears close to one again.

I'm looking forward to swapping 24 for The Office with O,R KP. I hear it's quite good.

Lastly, what the heck is a Crapemyrtle? Tell me and I promise never to prune one of those either!

Yourfeetarestained! LPK

OMDF said...

I'll tell you what a Crapemytle is, a bushy tree with tiny flowers that look like huge flowers from a distance. They come in many colors. So now tell me what the heck is "yourfeetarestained" mean.

OMDF said...

Yourfeetarestained is supposed to be aufweiderzain(sp?) - goodbye in german (alemania) LPK

Jorge said...

L, Do you mean Auf Wiedersehen? Don't forget Alicia is studing German. Still don't get it.

Maybe I get it. Yes, I love gardening. I love the dirt.
I know a lot about many things, master of some.

Walk gently in the garden or your feet will get stained. Take Care, Jorge

lpk said...

Hey Jorge,

Yeah, you got it! It's just a joke. Sounds like the real thing. LPK

OMDF said...

Do your gardening instruction work for the New England Area? Someone told me to prune before the first snowfall. If branches get heavy with snow, then they get pruned, but could mess up the bush or tree.