Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Smokies

Since my last post we have visited my sister A and R and little O. We had a wonderful time. Little O is somethng else. I finally did finish the electrical work I was doing over there. If I do say so myself I did a terrific job.

After spending some time (3 weeks)in God's Country (the homestead)I headed out to the Smokey Mountains. I stayed in the park near Gatlinburg. They say that the Smokies are the most visited National Park so I was fortunate to have gone right before the big rush. What made my trip extra nice was all the help I received from the Law Enforcement Park Rangers and that I stayed in their compound. Since I had the best guides I got to see the best parts of the park. Places that most people don't ever see in the park. I hiked a total of 20 miles way into the back country of the park in 3 days and was able to go to some other remote areas of the park by vehicle. I hiked anywhere from an elevation of 1400 ft to 3700 ft. I hardly ever saw anyone while hiking in the back country, it was just me and the wilderness.

The park was totally amazing. It is huge and most of the trails are only accessable by hiking. I took some beautiful pictures of animals, vistas, streams, cascades, and waterfalls. I also went to the highest point at 6600 ft by vehicle. There is certainly more to do at the park and I wish I could of stayed longer. But that leaves me more to look forward to on my next trip to the Smoky Mountains.

I will spend 5 days at the homestead and then head out to New Braunfels.

Till next time, Take Care, Jorge

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Boston & Virgina and Someday Montana!

Just spent about 2 weeks in Boston visiting O, family and the Melrose Social Group and had a wonderful time. There was a lot of snow on the ground and it snowed about 3 days while I was there. Being in the cold and snow like that makes me want to have a place in Montana. I will have to go back to look for a place in Montana one day soon. The only problem is that Continental has no direct flights to Montana, and I prefer direct flights.

After two short days in God's country Alicia and me will be flying to Virginia to visit animated little O and family.

I finished reading a book "Into the Wild" given to me by O. I really enjoyed the book even though it was a trajedy. I mainly enjoyed the part about Alaska. Almost finishing a book given to me by Alicia titled "Freakanomics", rather interesting. Actually it talks about a lot of things I knew already but it is written very well and the arthors have a very interesting view point.

Till next time, Take Care, Jorge

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Beautiful Vail

We ended 2008 by visiting Vail on our yearly ski trip. Vail is a big and beautiful place. Vail is located in the White River National Forest and it has amazing scenery across the back bowls, seven in all. Ofcourse the village at the base of the mountain is lovely with all the shops and restaurants. This year we stayed at the Vail Cascade, first class accomodations with ski in ski out.

Alicia is fast as lighting on the slopes so I thought it was time for me to take a ski class cause I had been getting into some bad ski habits that were slowing me down. I met a gorgeous girl named Carmen in the ski class from Cartagena, Colombia. We spent about 1 1/2 days sking together. She is 30 years old and living in New York City. Carmen was a talker and I like talkers. Carmen and I were too slow for Alicia, so Alicia left us behind and went off on her on. I think I learned just about everything about Carmen's life in those two days. She would even talk as we were sking and if anybody knows how to ski it isn't easy to talk and ski together. She was real nice.

Well Vail was wonderful but what else could it have been, it's Vail.

Take Care, Jorge

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bye to 2008

Well I have been so busy in 2008 and it went by so fast that I did not post anything.

So here is a short recap.

I took a lot of trips in 2008 so many in fact that in a 2 month span I went on 9 trips. From Texas to Boston to Florida to San Diego to Montana to Boston back to Texas. I think in total about 34 trips, including Playa del Carmen and the Caymans. I love the Caymans. A very beautiful place with extremely wonderful people. Playa Del Carmen is probably the best place to visit on the Yucatan peninsula, It is half way between Cozumel and Cancun. So you can visit all three places in one trip.

The trip I would have to say was the best one was RV trip Alicia and I took up north to the Blackhills, then further north to North Dakota over to Montana and then down to YellowStone, Grand Tetons and then back to Texas. I have always wanted to visit these States and we wanted to do the trip in an RV cause we had once taken an RV trip to Yuma, Arizona and the Grand Canyon and we loved that trip a lot.

This RV trip was through beautiful country. We went through a huge hail storm in the Pine Forest of Nebraska to see the beauty of the Blackhills rise above the flat plains of South Dakota and North Dakota. We saw the beauty of the Powder, Rosebud, and Tongue Rivers. The flat plains of Montana with buttes, the green country side west of the Powder River in Montana, the huge Carter mountain range rising above 12,000 feet, which we went up and over to the other side while being hit by a snow storm at the top of the mountain, to the beauty of YellowStone to the Grand Tetons.
We even got snowed in while in Yellowstone cause of a blizzard in July. We had to stay in a cabin for one night on the north side of Yellowstone cause the roads were blocked cause of the blizzard. Our RV park was on the north side of the lake just about the middle of the park.

I would have to say that driving the RV was fun and this type of trip sure is an experience. We were fortunate to have a luxurious 40 foot , well equipped RV. This made trip very enjoyable. I forgot to say that we also went on a 40 mile bike ride in the Blackhills up and down mountains with a change in elevation of 1400 feet that almost killed us. Alicia ate an entire large pizza on our return. We also hiked up about 2000 feet to Harveys Peak in the Blackhills.

I had read a couple of books given to me by O about the Sioux indians who's range was the area we traveled in the RV. I now know why the Sioux held the Blackhills as sacred ground. We retraced a few of the paths that the Sioux had traveled. For some reason I really have an affection for Indian things. Our RV trip was quite an adventure.

So 2008 was a wonderful year.
Take Care, Jorge